The madness of the EU and economists


Brexit provides the opportunity for us to change direction not just us but for our dying world.
For too long we have allowed the high priests of economics to dominate our thinking. Much as I love reading the subject it lacks precision or consensus. Our world has become blindsided to the economist’s insane obsession with ‘growth’.

‘Growth’ where the EU debate is concerned seems to involve importing more and more people buying smart phones they do not need, destroying an ancient beautiful culture in the process of creating a body of ‘consumers’. The consequence is that more and more of our beautiful island is destroyed to make way for concrete and tarmac.

Our world is dying, we have to stop this madness, we have to listen to other voices, to do this we have to leave the EU and show the world there is another way.

If we do not; Gaia will protect herself and the other life we share this planet with.
There is no greater threat to our existence than our own greed and stupidity.

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